Selasa, 23 April 2013

Kalimat S + Verb 1, S + To be + Adjective, S + To be + Adverb
Nama : Metha Ardiah
NPM : 24210370
Kelas : 3EB20

S + Verb1
1.           I take vitamin
2.           I ride a bike
3.           I read the novel
4.           I play the piano
5.           I made the task
6.           My mother cook
7.           I learn English
8.           I eat fruit
9.           My father work
10.       I want to sleep

S + To be + Adjective
1.           My mother is the best parent
2.           I am very tired
3.           My condition is so weak
4.           My brother is so hyperactive
5.           I am very sleepy
6.           My sister is so complicated
7.           I am very excited
8.           I am very sick
9.           My home is the comfortable place
10.       My father is a good parent

S + To be + Adverb
1.         I brought the bike slowly
2.         I was driving the car with caution
3.         I almost dropped the phone
4.         I keep the book on the table
5.         I gathered with family in the living room
6.         I buy equipment lecture at jakarta
7.         I want to sleep when resting
8.         I really want a full break today
9.         I do not permit to go to college tomorrow
10.     I bought some reference book last week

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